Looking for agency representation , it is important to know that not all agencies are the same or look for the same things. During your search make it a point to submit yourself according to each agency’s preferences. Doing otherwise will more than likely send your submission into the garbage.
It is especially crucial to follow the rules at an open call in order to put yourself on the agency’s good side. Remember, part of being a good model is having the ability to follow directions. If you can’t fulfill the requirements for an open casting call, this makes a bad first impression and could lead the agency staff to believe that you don’t follow directions well and are not worth the time .
1. First ,make sure the agency holds open casting calls : Not all agencies have open calls. The best way to find this information is to check the official website for the modeling agency. Any details about casting calls will be listed if they are offered or the agency may state that they don’t hold open casting calls. If there is no mention at all, than this likely a sign that they don’t do Open calls.
2. Read all the info and follow through: Again, good models and actors follow directions. Never blindly attend a casting call. Always, always, always check the website of the modeling agency to find out how they conduct their open calls, when, during what times and note what you will need to bring. Following the instructions for an agency’s open casting call will put you ahead and make things much smoother for the agency.
3. Make sure you show up on the right day at the right times: Each modeling agency has its casting calls on certain days of the week. The time frame for most casting calls is two hours.
4. Always be early : Casting calls are typically held during specific time frames and if you happen to be considering a prominent agency, you can expect a lot of people to show up. Being right on time or late will put you at the end of the line and if you don’t make it into the agency’s office by the time the casting is done, you’ll be turned away–even though you were already there.
5. Don’t bring a group of people with you: If you are under the age of 18, then you must have a parent/guardian with you at the time of the casting call. No exceptions. Bring only one parent . Model hopefuls 18 years of age and older should arrive to the casting call by yourself or with one additional person who will not be a distraction.
6. Dress for success: Attending an open casting call is your opportunity for the agency to meet you as you are. The purpose is for them to get to know you briefly and evaluate your potential. You are NOT there to show off your favorite haute couture threads or other fancy outfits. Some agency websites give advice as to what male and female models should wear to casting calls. If such information is available, follow it very carefully.
If your not sure , then you can’t go wrong with dark skinny jeans, heels and a solid colored, form fitting tank top or t-shirt (for the ladies) or dark, comfortable jeans, clean shoes and a form fitting t-shirt or tank top (for the guys).
Arrive with your hair out of your face and a clean complexion with little to no makeup.
7. Be prepared to wait: Since it can take a while to get through everyone, be prepared to keep you occupied. Word to the wise: there is a difference between being “occupied” and being “distracted”. Complex texting, playing games on your phone, talking on the phone, doing homework, etc. should be avoided since they tend to draw all of your attention, which could allow you to miss an important announcement, hearing your name/number being called or any other part of the process. Additionally, you want to show the agency that they have your attention–doing otherwise may make you seem like you’ve got better things to do than be at the casting call, which makes for a very negative first impression.
8. Make sure you have fun: The most important tip of all…being in the office of a modeling agency is exciting so use that positive energy to show the staff a bubbly, outgoing, genuine personality. Don’t be a kiss-up or overwhelm them with “OMG” statements about how much you love their agency, their models, etc. The casting call is for you to shine so listen to the agency, answer their questions to the best of your ability, and of course smile!