Author: James Foytlin (James Foytlin)

CASTING: Mid-February Corporate, industrial, and energy sector professionals  in Philly  Paid Shoot

CASTING: Mid-February Corporate, industrial, and energy sector professionals  in Philly  Paid Shoot

Model Descriptions: o Total Models: 5 (3 Male, 2 Female) o General Age Range: 25-40 years o Industry Representation: Corporate, industrial, and energy sector professionals o Overall Aesthetic: Capable, professional but slightly rugged (gruff). Portrays a hard working member of society, strong and confident, yet approachable.  Build summary: Looking for a good showcase of...

Shakespeare coaching, Train like the 1% , Master Shakespeare, Book More Roles

Shakespeare coaching, Train like the 1% , Master Shakespeare, Book More Roles

Laris Macario offers online video individualised classes Laris Macario is a dynamic force in the entertainment industry, blending classical theater training, athleticism, and a deep passion for storytelling to carve out a unique space in Hollywood. From his humble beginnings in Washington Heights to starring in hit TV shows and award-winning films, Macario’s journey is...

Phillyfaces is Casting for an Upcoming Paid Lingerie Shoot

Phillyfaces is Casting for an Upcoming Paid Lingerie Shoot

Once again a Phillyfaces is Casting for an Upcoming Paid Lingerie Shoot • Age: 18-39 • Ethnicity: Caucasian • Hair Color: Blonde or Brunette (preferred)     -*Will consider any natural colored hair. (No unnatural colors such as purple, pink, etc.) $200 per hour / Shoot February 2025  • Body Type: Average (clothing size small...

New Spielberg UFO movie set to start filming in Cape May next month

New Spielberg UFO movie set to start filming in Cape May next month

If you’ve ever dreamed of appearing in a Steven Spielberg movie, a “close encounter” with the legendary filmmaker may be in your future. Grant Wilfley Casting is looking for extras to be part of a new UFO movie that’s set to start filming in Cape May next month. The film, which has yet to be...

Casting for an Upcoming Paid Lingerie Shoot

Casting for an Upcoming Paid Lingerie Shoot

Once again a Phillyfaces is Casting for an Upcoming Paid Lingerie Shoot • Age: 18-39 • Ethnicity: Caucasian • Hair Color: Blonde or Brunette (preferred)     -*Will consider any natural colored hair. (No unnatural colors such as purple, pink, etc.) $200 per hour  / February 2025 /center cIty • Body Type: Average (clothing size...

Mini Model Portfolio Session

Mini Model Portfolio Session

Mini Model Portfolio Session A budget-friendly option that allows for a quick session with a couple of looks for those needing a fast turnaround. – **Includes:**- 30-minute session – **Looks:** Up to **2 different looks** (quick outfit change) – 3 edited images (quick turnaround) $350 + Tax Thursday, November 21, 2024 ArtChick Photo Studio: 1238 Callowhill...